+852 9618 5765
Happy Learning Chinese Classes

8月逢一至五早上設有 #中文學習小組,提升學生對學習中文的興趣、為SEN學生(讀障、NCS、低興趣學習中文)而設,提供強效中文教材,學習方式生動有趣,有興趣PM了解詳情及報名,謝謝參與。

Whatsapp 9618 5765

There will be #中文學習小組 Happy Learning Chinese Classes in the morning from Monday to Friday to enhance students' interest in learning the language. It is designed for Dyslexic, non Chinese speaking and low-interest learning Chinese students, and the learning method are lively and fun! We provided powerful Chinese learning material for students to learn. Interested please pm. Thanks for attending.
